If you have a lot of domains to transfer to us please open a support ticket and we will take care...
How do i point my domain name at my new hosting account?You will need to ask your domain registrar to modify the DNS Name Server Records of your domain...
Do i have to transfer my domain name to Winserve in order for it to work with my account?You do not have to transfer domains to us in order to get them running from our network. You...
How to transfer the owner/registrant of a UK domain name.Although you can update the contact details of a UK domain name on our...
How to renew or extend your domain name registration.If you want to manually renew or extend any domain names that are registered with us you can do...
Domain registrant validationNote: The following article is only related to TLD domains (.com, .net , .org etc) and not ccTLDs...
How can i preview my website without pointing my domain at your network?We provide a preview URL for you to test any websites you create in your hosting account. To view...
How do I edit the WHOIS information for a domain registered with Winserve?You can view and make changes to the WHOIS Contact Information assigned to a domain name in our...
How to order a dedicated IP address.You may have a requirement for a dedicated IP address for a website. There are various recognised...
Testing your website before pointing your live domain with the Windows Hosts file.The Windows Hosts file will allow your local machine to browse sites as if the live domain was...
How do i change the Nameserver Records of a domain registered with Winserve?To change the Nameserver records of a domain registered with us please follow the instructions...
How do I modify the DNS records for my domain name?We provide a full DNS editor for domains added to our hosting accounts: Login to your hosting...
How to disable automatic renewal of domain names registered with Winserve.If you want to disable automatic renewal of any domain names that are registered with us you can...
How to enable automatic renewal of domain names registered with Winserve.If you want to automatically renew any domain names that are registered with us you can do so by...
I received an email from ICANN - "Important Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)."Each year the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) sends out an email to...
Can I buy a domain name without hosting?It is not mandatory to purchase a hosting plan with new domain registrations so feel free to...
Changing your IPS Tag directly through NominetIf you cannot get your current registrar to change the IPS Tag of your domains to our tag then...
DNS caching and flushingISPs and your local PCs and devices cache DNS results for short periods to help speed up your...
I have changed my domains Nameserver Records to point at my new space, when will it start working?When you modify the Nameserver Records of a domain name it can take anywhere up to 48 hours to...
Request domain transfer EPP Code / Transfer keyAn EPP code is an authorisation code which is required when a registrant wants to transfer their...
How do I transfer my UK domain name to a new registrar?You can transfer away a UK domain that is currently registered with us by changing its IPS Tag to...
Janet Domain Names - .gov.uk and .ac.uk domain names.If you want to register or transfer .ac.uk or .gov.uk domain names with us then please contact...
What is the RAA Verification process?As of January 1, 2014, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has...
Where can i get more information on UK domain names?All UK domain names are provided and regulated by Nominet the UK domain authority: www.nic.uk
How do domain names and DNS work?The Domain Name System (DNS) helps users to find their way around the Internet. Every computer on...