How to restore your MS SQL database.

In order to restore an existing MS SQL database onto your hosting account please follow the instructions below:

SQL Server is backwards compatible for restores. If you have a backup of an SQL Server database that is older than the version you have created in our CP then simply restore the older backup to our newer server. It will restore and put itself into the Compatibility Level of your backed up database.

To restore your MS SQL database:

  • Firstly make sure you have an MS SQL backup file (.bak) from an existing MS SQL Server database. This could be a backup from your own local installation (In SQL Server Management Studio, right click the database > tasks > backup) or from another hosting provider.

  • If the file is large (greater than a few MB) then please upload (via FTP) the .bak file to a location in your webspace on our web server.

  • Now login to your hosting control panel.

  • Click the MS SQL database version your working with under the Databases icons.

  • If you have not already, then create a new database that you want to restore over (If you are restoring over an existing database then be aware that any previous data on that database will be deleted during the restore. Also make sure that there are no current connections to the database e.g. close any open Management Studio connections).

  • Do not create a database user at this time.

  • Once the new database is created click its name from the database list.

  • Click Maintenance Tools.

  • Click Restore.

  • You can now select to restore from an "Uploaded File" or a "Hosting Space File". If you took the advice above and uploaded the backup database file to your webspace then select "Hosting Space File" and use the file navigation tool to locate the .bak file you uploaded previously.

  • Click Restore.

  • Please be patient after clicking the Restore button. Depending on the size of your database this could take a long time.

  • Once the restore has completed the screen will return to the database list.

  • Now go ahead and create the database user you want to use for the database with the Create User button under the logins listing.

You can now create/edit your database connection string in your applications code. Use SQL Server authentication with the login you created above and with the servers hostname:

If you have a BACPAC backup file and cannot get a normal BAK file then please see this link:


  • ms sql, restore, restore BAK, BAK, import, bacpac, import sql, sql
  • 11547 Users Found This Useful
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